Block 6 – Masking Up and Ground Ladders
Masking Up:
Complete by: End of September
Our fireground mission is to occupy the space as fast as possible to facilitate a fire attack and a primary search to save lives. The operational doctrine foundation reminds us, “We respond to all reports of smoke or fire in a building assuming there is a working fire with trapped victims.” While there are times that slowing down may be appropriate, we should have the ability to move quickly and effectively when needed.
Masking up is one known variable that does not change from incident to incident; it is always required before entering the IDLH. This is an easy opportunity to become highly efficient so our time can be better spent gaining situational awareness or completing a task. Our recruits must complete a mask-up in under 30 seconds per the IPS. Preferably, under 20 seconds. It has been found to be most efficiently completed by starting with gloves on, but it is not required. A simple progression can be done by starting with only one glove on, then progressing to starting with both.
Economy of Motion: reducing unnecessary movements necessary to reach an objective
Masking up Techniques
Ground Ladders:
Complete by: End of September
Ladders can be challenging to manipulate in restricted spaces like driveways with cars, tight side yards, or patios with covers. This block is meant to encourage all members to practice ground ladder deployment techniques to help overcome these obstacles when present.
Additionally, because we typically practice deploying ladders from the apparatus, lifting and maneuvering a ladder to a high shoulder carry can become a waning skill. Practicing lifting and lowering a ground ladder to and from a high shoulder carry will prepare you for when it is required due to obstacles in the way, or the ladder is coming from the ground rather than the rack.
Ladders IPS 1 – Beam Raise
Ladders IPS 2 – Flat Raise
Beam: Vertical members of the ladder
Rungs: Horizontal members of the ladder used to step on
Tip: Top of the ladder
Butt: Bottom of the ladder
Ground Ladder to High Shoulder Carry
Ground Ladder Under Obsacle
Ladder Around Tight Corners